Think, Eat, Be Healthy

Body and Mind Care and Maintenance

soap, bar soap, all natural soap, palm oil, coconut oil, essential oils, clay, hygiene, personal hygiene

All-natural soap made from only clay, essential oils and edible coconut and palm oils

Our bodies and minds both need regular care and maintenance to stay healthy and work properly. It is just as important for overall health to keep harmful substances away from our skin and harmful thoughts away from our minds as it is to eat a nutritious diet based on real, whole foods. Pesticides, artificial dyes, man-made chemicals and other health hazards can be absorbed through our skin and lungs from the environment just as they can be absorbed through our intestinal tracts. Harmful thoughts spoken or written by other people or put forth by movies, videos or television can poison our minds just as surely.

toothpaste, all natural toothpaste, neem tree

all-natural toothpaste made with neem tree leaf extract, menthol from peppermint, stevia and fruit extracts

Some of the greatest threats to the health of our bodies are harmful chemicals in commercial shampoos, hair conditioners, bar soaps, liquid soaps, toothpastes and mouthwashes, deodorants, clothes detergents and drinking water. Many mainstream hair care products contain a long list of artificial dyes, colors and scents, ingredients used in car antifreeze and other questionable substances. Soaps are just as bad, often with the additional problem of  added antibacterial agents. Deodorants often contain aluminum in some form which can be absorbed with hotly debated health consequences. Any potentially harmful chemicals in clothes detergents will not be fully removed during the rinse cycle and will then be worn in close contact with our skin. Almost all municipal water from a tap will contain chlorine, which can be absorbed through the skin or evaporate to be inhaled, and fluoride, which is a very potent poison. Traces of prescription and over-the-counter drugs are found in most tap water because city water treatment facilities are not designed to remove them.

shave, shaving, shaving cream, shaving soap, shea butter, all natural shaving soap

natural shave cream based on shea butter

It is entirely possible to keep our bodies clean and free of objectionable odors without exposure to harmful chemicals. Filtration systems are available that remove harmful chemicals and biological agents. Common household items such as vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice as well as commercially available products can substitute for items full of harmful ingredients. We just need to make the decision to stop poisoning ourselves.