Think, Eat, Be Healthy

Nutritious Brown Rice And Beyond

Brown rice and other whole grain rices are very nutritious whole foods. Whole grain rices have only the outer-most hulls removed from the grains. This leaves most of the nutrients intact and available to our bodies.

brown rice, long grain brown rice

A standard commercial long grain brown rice, one of around 8,000 varieties currently cultivated world-wide.

White rice also has the bran layer, part of the germ layer and most of the fats removed. This leaves a grain that is almost entirely starch with very little nutrition. It is tender and pretty but worthless for supporting our health.

arborio rice, arborio brown rice

Arborio brown rice, a round variety of rice. This short grain rice is starchy and often used to make risotto.

Because it still retains the bran layer and fats, brown rice delivers more than four times the dietary fiber, nearly twice the iron and considerably more protein than polished white rice. Anthocyanins, strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds also found in blueberries and acai berries, are concentrated in the bran layer and responsible for the rice’s color.

All whole grain rices are great sources of fiber, manganese, magnesium and selenium. These rices also contain as many phyto-nutrients as popular fruits and vegetables, just in a form that is not released until processed in the digestive tract. The healthy fats in whole grain rices help control weight and lower LDL cholestrol.

red rice, himalayan red rice

Himalayan red rice is also called Bhutanese rice for the area where it was originally grown.

The colored rices, such as Himalayan red rice, Chinese black rice and Thai purple rice have even higher phyto-nutrient content than brown rice. These brightly colored rices also tend to provide more protein and fiber. For example, black rice has almost 20% more protein, three times as much iron and eight times as much fiber as polished white rice. The colored rices are also more flavorful than brown rice.

black rice, chinese black rice, forbidden rice

Chinese black rice also known as forbidden rice because it was once only eaten by Chinese emperors.

Don’t be afraid to include rice as part of your healthy whole food diet. Just make sure it is a whole grain rice and not polished white rice. Your body will thank you.